Renaissance Skirmish – Actions

Played a repeat of the mounted scenario last night, incorporating the new thoughts on rules and use of dice to guide play.

Added “Quality” as a troop attribute, using “Excellent”, “Good”, “Average” and “Poor”.  These classifications were assigned probability percentages of 75, 60, 50, and 40 percent, respectively.   I also rolled a D4 to see how many individuals might have qualities that differed from the group. Another D4 to determine what that might  be, with a roll of “4” being “Excellent”, a “3”, “Good” etc.

Final “Yes”, “No” roll was for awareness, which effected the ability to react in the first few turns of the game.

Turn 1:  Blue had initiative, but was unaware, so Red entered at a trot.

Turn 2:  Blue again had the initiative, became aware, with crossbowman moving to the road to shoot. Red accelerated to a gallop and entered into melee with the crossbowmen, with one bowman killed, and the other locked in melee with Red’s leader.

Turn 3:  Death of the bowman did not effect Blue’s fear rating.  Blue troops charged out of the house, surrounding the Red troopers.  However, the troopers (excepting the leader locked in melee), simply charged through the swarm of their assailants.  Red leader killed the other crossbowman.

Turn 4:  Death of the second bowman increased Blue’s fear rating.  Still having the initiative, Blue fled into the woods.

In retrospect, it was a bad move to move the crossbowman to the road.  Should have waited.  Still a quick and fun scenario.  Another run-through tonight.  Here’s a few photos.

Red Surrounded.  Note Identification Colors On Rear Of Cavalry.
Red Surrounded. Note Identification Colors On Rear Of Cavalry.
Blue Troops Swarm Out of House
Red Leader In Melee
Red Troopers Gallop Past Assailants.  Leader Still Locked In Melee
Red Troopers Gallop Past Assailants. Leader Still Locked In Melee


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