Turn 1: German machine gun engaged the lead Machine Gun (MG) Truck. The MG Truck failed the ambush morale check, causing it to rout. Machine gun fire resulted in a terror result. The Partisans moved out of the woods, one group to attack the convoy, the other to act as security to engage the escort and/or any reaction force. The second vehicle in line failed the ambush morale check. It routed and took a terror hit from the German Infantry’s rifle fire. The Warlord Escort carried in the trail vehicle dismounted. The MG truck Rallied. However, the routed cargo truck did not.
Turn 2: Germans again engaged the MG Truck, but failed to inflict any damage. Likewise with the advancing Ambush Group’s fire on the stalled cargo truck. The Security Group reached the crest of its objective. The Warlord Escort advanced down both sides of the road towards the front of the column. The stalled cargo truck again failed its morale check, but the MG Truck maneuvered to engage the advancing Partisans. The MG Truck’s fire was ineffective.
Turn 3: The Partisans advanced, masking the Germans’ field of fire. Once again, Partisan fire at the stalled cargo truck was ineffective. The security group attacked the nearest Warlord Escort, inflicting a terror hit. The MG Truck could not hit the Partisan ambush group. The Warlord escort maneuvered towards and ineffectively engaged the security group. The other Warlord Escort continued to advance to the head of the column.
Turn 4: Poor die rolling continued, as the Partisans once again could not damage any of their targets. However, both the Partisan Security Group and Warlord Escort recoiled in the fight for the hill.
Turn 5: The Partisans again attacked both the stalled convoy and the escort. Again, their fire was ineffective. While the MG Truck and Escort both inflicted terror hits on the ambush and security group.
Turn 6: According to plan, the Partisans disengaged, falling back to the woods, and prepared to move to the rally point. The Chinese did not pursue.
Comments: Fun little scenario, horrific die rolling for both sides. I thought the Partisans would make short work of the convoy, but their low firepower (4 factors for each stand) was consistently ineffective. The Germans should have been able to do more damage to the convoy, but again, the marksmanship (die rolling) was bad. The Warlord unit engaging the Security Group did its job, and the resilient MG Truck forced the Partisan Ambush Group to retire. A decisive victory for the Warlord’s forces.