Have been grappling with set-up the past several days. This is Mark II, the result of crashing the page’s first two posts while trying to add an unnecessary “child theme”. Quite a learning curve.
While I hope to post up reviews and after-action reports on a wide number of games, rules and periods, this journal will attempt to focus on the following game series. None of these lists reflect any type of priority or emphasis.
Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW) by Avalon Hill and GMT
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) by Avalon Hill and MMP
Great War At Sea (GWAS) by Avalanche Press
Second World War At Sea (SWWAS) by Avalanche Press
Musket and Pike Battle Series by GMT
Third World War Series by GDW
The Europa Series by GDW and HMS/GRD
Some solitaire games include –
The Hunters by Consimpress
Tokyo Express by Victory Games
Carrier by Victory Games
B-17 by Avalon Hill
Ranger by Omega Games
Thunderbolt Apache Leader by GMT
Miniature Rulesets and Periods will include –
De Bellis Antiquitatis
De Bellis Renationis
Irregular Wars
Red Actions!
And for random fun, games that have appeared in Against The Odds (ATO) and Strategy and Tactics (S&T) magazines.