Vassal and Kindle and Apple Music

I’m beginning to enjoy Vassal.  It took awhile.

This acceptance process mirrors my experiences with Kindle and Apple Music.

I gravitated towards Kindle because many books are very cheap, it’s portable,  and I am out of shelf space.  I love paper books, but compromises had to be made.

I’m using Apple Music because I enjoy listening to a variety of music, but buying music is expensive, especially when auditioning a band by purchasing a disc (only buy used) or mp3 file that may or may not satisfy.  Now I can audition/enjoy a band by listening to its catalog.

I love paper/counter wargames.  But, I can play multiple games with Vassal, without taking up the table space used for paper games.  In many cases, the games are already set-up. Taking the game down is just a couple of keystrokes.  This saves a lot of time and effort.  I can also audition a game by dialing up a module, seeing if there are rules on-line and start pushing (virtual) counters.  Not as satisfying as paper, but still fun.

One thing I really like about Vassal is the ability to capture clear images of what’s going on.  You’ve seen my photos.   I really, really like it now because I finally “broke the code” for good images…..Screenshots.

The picture function in Vassal takes a shot of the entire game area, and will not take shots of specific areas or expanded counter displays.  But, screenshots will.

Now if I can just get proficient with using captions, icons and my cheap digital pen……

No!  No resolutions for 2025.  There are enough learning curves involved with a new game.  But, it might just happen.

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