SOPAC – Even More Progress

Yes, progress….however slowly.  Finished up Turn 4.

Allies met their Progress Of War target by securing four Japanese held airfields northwest of Guadalcanal.  Most of the action took place with the last Allied card play of the turn.

It was an unusual situation, I guess.  Their initial card play(s) of the round  had inflicted significant damage to the Allied fleet, reducing two battleship counters and sinking the Lexington by playing a “Submarine” Reaction Card.  However, their only had a Future Offensives card left.  The Allies had one card left, along with their own Future Offensives card.

Here’s a shot at the beginning of Allied play in this Turn 4 round.

The Allies’ card was “Operation Chronicle” allowing the invasion of one island and automatically, before Japanese reaction, controlling any adjacent islands.   The Future Offensives card was “Operation Watchtower”, allowing the activation of one ground unit, along with air/naval unit, in a surprise attack.  The Japanese could not  react to this card without a Reaction Card – which they did not have.

The Japanese card was “Combined Fleet”, allowing  the activation of several air/naval units, but no ground units.

So, the Allies had the possibility of the “free play” of one card, with the Japanese needing a low Reaction die roll (D10) to counter the “Chronicle” card.

The Allied quandary was which card to play first, and then whether or not to play the second card.  For the Japanese, it was slightly simpler question; whether or not to play the “Combined” card after the Allied play, or save it for Turn 5.  A Future Offensive card does not reduce the card draw at the beginning of a turn.

The Allies played the “Chronicle” card, betting  the Japanese would not roll a four or lower on the D10.  However, just in case, the Allies used all their activated units to support the landing.

The Japanese rolled high, and the landing was unopposed.  The Allies occupied Baka Island with Marine air and ground units.

Both sides decided not to play their Future Offensive card.  Here’s the situation at the end of Turn 4.

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