
Back from SW Wyoming.  Green River Valley in full Fall colors.  Beautiful.

Time to start digging in for Winter.  Should be a busy one wargaming-wise.  My prime projects include many of the usual suspects and are:

Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit (ASLSK) – Start grinding through #3 – Vehicles.

Great Battles Of The American Civil War (GBACW) – The Pre-GMT games, starting with a few smaller ones and work my up to Terrible Swift Sword (TSS) scenarios.  But first, Genius Boy needs to figure out where he stashed the maps.  Found the counters, but all the usual hiding places are bare.  Time to pull the shed apart.

Der Weltkrieg – Will finish up my seemingly endless Serbia-Galacia Game to refresh my rules memory and then get to the Ottomans.

VASSAL – Use this as a platform to keep muscle-memory with Empire Of The Sun.  Will play the SOPAC scenario for starters.

JET – Operation Groza with Tim.

Miniatures – This is where things get scary.  I’m thinking about painting up some 15mm Blue Moon Mexican Revolution figures for Fistful of Lead.  Add some US Cavalry, and there are some interesting scenario options.  Maybe 48 figures total.  Then….and then…more Back Of Beyond/Red Actions figures.  Again, not many…..ten (10) Partisans (can never have enough rabble), and a modest six (6) cavalry in greatcoats.  All of these figures should be relatively easy (yeah…sure) to paint up.  Block and Wash.

Finally….maybe some paper 1680’s Caribbean figures.  And, at some point I need to start playing something new.  Maybe Malta Besieged.


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