Let Me Count The Ways

Started play on Galacia: The Forgotten Cauldron.

Turn One featured both sides maneuvering towards their scenario objectives.  There was even a bit of screening cavalry skirmishes.

Thought I had finally figured things out.  No.

While flipping through the scenario booklet anticipating reinforcements, I found that each Army had a specific mobilization turn, and that very few units could move initially.

Massive reset and just another in a seemingly endless number of ways of fouling up the rules.

New game is now (literally) moving forward.  There will be Army level contact next turn.

And yes, the perspective for the picture is strange, to say the least.  Map is covered with a plexiglass advertised as “non-glare”.  No.  Well, unless the garage fluorescent fixtures have superpowers.  Best I could do.  And, I can’t just turn the lights off.  Motion activated.

Austro-Hungarians in white, Russians brown.

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