Where was I? Why worry? – Part II

Reached a stopping point at Serbia The Defiant.   And yes, I made a hash the rules.

The new combat results table (CRT) worked just fine. Once again, operator error. Well, the new CRT is based on column shifts, as opposed to die roll modifiers.  But, the die roll modifier for attacking across  rivers still holds. Well, I didn’t grasp that pesky detail, and since the Austrian avenues of approach to Belgrade cross rivers, their attritional successes are now suspect.

Rather than the classic re-do,  I’ll pick it up and continue playing the series.  This is a topic I’ve brought  in the past:  Play a game/system and then move on to another game/system, or focus on getting better at one particular series of games.

In this case I’m not going to be an omnivore, but focus on Der Weltkrieg.  So, it’s time to set-up Galicia:  The Forgotten Cauldron.

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