Sat down with the “Serbia The Defiant” module of Der Weltkrieg last night.
Hadn’t played for quite some time. In fact, the chits for the turn/phase record appeared to have no connection with the positions of the counters. Reset? Synapses started firing off in hyper-mode.
Hell No! Just start playing. I’ll make a hash of it anyway since my rules knowledge is shaky, at best.
It worked out fine. Had an enjoyable hour or so pushing counters and listening to the perpetually offensively challenged Seattle Mariners.
I started using an alternate Combat Results Table (CRT) advertised as being better for lower counter density/fewer attack factor games/scenarios.
While many gamers take issue with the system’s unique depiction of terrain, I have no problems. However, I do take exception to the very faint lines used to outline hexes.
As to the game, I’m being very aggressive with the Austro-Hungarian units and attempting to attrit the Serbs. However, I’m not going to go “All Conrad“.