Modeling Realities

Proceeding with the DH-2 kit, and it is turning into the same old story.

In the beginning it all seems so easy.  Read the instructions, snip the pieces off the sprues, remove flash,  and start assembling the kit.  It’s so easy to imagine the  process proceeding smoothly.

Then, pieces go astray, glue goes where it shouldn’t,  and what you thought attached to one piece should really go somewhere else.

Not that I’m making things easier by trying to do some “basic” rigging with 3.5 pound test monofilament leader, hole drilling, and super glue.   Infinite possibilities for foul-ups.

Taking a short break before girding up my loins to attach the top wing (with monofilament glued in) and thread the lines through the bottom wing.

I need to zen my way through it.

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