The Kaiser’s War – Central Powers Turn 1

Finished up the Central Powers’ turn.  Went all-in for both the Western and Italian Front offensives.  Used up victory points  to provide Maximum Attack Supply (which doubles unit attack values) in order to get odds of 5:1.
Each side has two combat phases (consecutive) per turn where any units can attack. With a Defender Panic combat result the defenders are eliminated if they roll a D6 greater than their movement allowance (most units have a movement allowance of “3”).  If not eliminated, they must retreat a number of hexes equal to that die roll.
The results were mixed.  In the West, the attacks were successful in forcing the engaged British units to retreat.  However, they did so in good order and were not eliminated.  A different story in Italy, where two Italian units were destroyed and a gaping hole opened (Caparetto).
Further east, Central Powers armies are massing along the Salonika Front.
Here are a photographs of the Western and Italian Fronts, respectively.

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