The Ottoman attack has finally developed. It took some time to rally unit resolve, and re-align the ranks after the poor Disease and Mishaps die rolls.
Beginning to think that I’m a tactical rut. Once again (it seems) the main effort is on the left with a demonstration on the right. Or, is it a terrain placement rut? I’m not going back in the archives, because I just don’t want to know. I guess it’s enough to be aware (?).
Trying very hard to honor the command radius distances for each side. That does make a difference.
I bumped the Janissary missile troops rally value to a “2”, vice “1” based on my past readings of their tactics. We’ll see how that works when they contact their Abyssinian counterparts. I did remember one lesson from the previous Ottoman fight; the missile units are backed up by two units of Janissaries with cutting weapons.