Came to a startling conclusion yesterday…..
Checked out the Multiman site on general principles. Discovered a couple of new ASL/ASLSK titles were available. Couldn’t reconcile pulling the trigger, even at pre-order discounts.
To paraphrase, “It’s a fine line between collecting and obsessing.” I was getting obsessive about picking up ASL/ASLSK titles. So many interesting scenarios and troop types.
I doubt that a quarter of them will get played. The main reason is my avoidance of scenarios with vehicles. Just another layer of too much granular complexity.
Another is that there are just so many other games to play.
Same thing happened a couple of weeks ago over at Strategy & Tactics Magazine. Two intriguing magazine games on Russian expansion in Central Asia and the Russo-Turkish wars of the late 17th century.
Would love to have them. But after paying well over $100, they’d just be browsed and then consigned to a box. I already have the Red Sash games for the latter, as well as a “Ready Box” of magazine games that have been waiting to be played for years.
I guess every gamer gets to this point. I’m never going to say “never”, but it will be awhile before I pay for a new game.
OK, OK…..I did ask for, and received, “Malta Besieged” for Christmas. I can rationalize that.
I feel your pain brother. I have far too many games that I haven’t even peeled the shrink wrap off of, let alone punched the counters and read the rules.
Over the years I have attempted to sell, donate, give away games that I know I’ll never play, but with little on no success. I even used games as an educational tool in some of the history classes I taught, but my students weren’t interested. For all appearances, no one wants these games except other people like us and we are literally a dying breed.
Hello Jeff!
Thanks for posting up. Dunno, maybe it’s just a phase. Part of it is that a new game can become an obligation, and I already have enough obligations. I used to have my classes play Machiavelli. Chaos!