Playing Fall of France (it’s that time of year) with Tim using Jet (JET?) software. He finally talked me into it after years of cajoling.
Jet is quite an accomplishment. While the graphics are rudimentary, and the program has its quirks, in the final analysis it is quite an accomplishment. I marvel at how it eliminates much of the cardboard and paper drudgery.
I have the results of his German May II combats downloaded to the computer, but I can’t open it. I’m playing the French side. I have gained new insights as to how General Gamelin must have felt. Nothing but bad news. Wake up in the morning, look at the situation map and go right back to bed. I almost did that last week after I received his May I turn combats.
I feel the same way about opening this file as I do when I hear a loud 3 AM Thump downstairs. I would prefer not to investigate and am loathe to get the shotgun.
What makes it worse is that his well intended informational snippets contained in the body of the email are, to me, not informational but loaded with ill portent.
This apprehension is so acute that I promised to watch a movie with my Wife this evening………