Been A Long Time

Decided to get back at it, if only to keep track of what’s happened.  I know readership is a little thin.

Over the past several months there has been plenty of war gaming related activity,  just not any reporting.

Sold off about 30-40 games.  No, it wasn’t a reaction to  Boardgamegeek threads, but a need to clear shelf space and free up some cash for other purchases.  Too many games, too little time.  Decided to focus on systems instead of “one offs”.  I may go crazy and start shuffling through my magazine games, too.

Those other purchases involved a lot of ASL/ASLSK games, mags and modules.   I’m now in maintenance mode, limited to new stuff from MMP, and maybe a “highly recommended” from the recently revived Desperation Morale blog.  The re-do of Croix de Guerre is looking mighty tempting.  So far I’ve played through all the scenarios in ASLSK #1 and doing my (almost) daily work on ASLSK #2.  I like that most of the scenarios are one-mappers, with small footprint but plenty of action/learning.

Tim and I have also played a number of games over the past 8 months.  These included Fire In The Lake, Third World War, and our go-to, Paths of Glory.  We are currently in the middle of the Operation Jupiter scenario found in Europa Magazine Issue #41.  More on that in a separate post.

There were no new miniature purchases, just painting what was on-hand.  While no project is ever really finished, I have only a handful of  figures left to paint/acquire for my Irregular Wars, Back of Beyond and The Sword And The Flame (TSATF) endeavors.   I also have my 15mm colonial British ready to campaign against a horde of Middle East figures, as well as full contingents of Warhammer Empire troops for Renaissance skirmish games.

The remaining major miniatures project is finishing armies for play using the  Wargames Research Group (WRG) 6th edition rules.  The forces will include Byzantines, Arabs and generic opposing forces from the Late Middle Ages.  The core elements for each of these armies are my old DBA figures.  This is part of the decision to go old school and granular.  Likewise, I’ll use the  George Gush Renaissance rules, instead of DBR for any renaissance battles.

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