My Fall Campaign

Had time to think about projects during yesterday’s 6 hour drive.  Unlike Wavell, no drastic changes.

Irregular Wars will be ongoing.  However, it will be moved off the Big(ger) Table, over to the small board I built years ago for DBA.  I’ll continue to consult different sources in an attempt to construct a set of solo campaign rules.

Red Actions! will move to the Big(ger) (5×5) Table.    I have to finish flocking bases and paint up some figures, but can start playing in a week or so, once I get familiar with the rules.  As with IW, I’ll also work on campaign rules.

My board gaming focus will be Glory/War of Resistance.  Tim and I will start sometime later this month or early in November.

Other than that, maybe a one-off on a boardgame or two once the weather gets bad, and outdoor time is limited.


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