Turns 2-5

During Turn 2, the Germans advanced in the north and south, cleaning up Soviet delaying units in the center.  The Soviets pushed reinforcements to conform with the requirement for a continuous line along the Don, as well as in the center.  For the Soviets, the initial crisis has seemed to pass.

End Soviet Turn 2

The Axis continues to develop its attacks in the north and south, while cautiously advancing in the center.

End Axis Turn 3

Soviet reinforcements continue to arrive, with some deploying on the south map anticipating the Axis will “turn the corner” at Rostov.

End Soviet Turn 3

Heavy combat takes place in the north and south, with Axis units now advancing in the center,

End Soviet Turn 4

Intense fighting continues.  The Germans take Rostov and begin moving south.  Soviet forces tenaciously defend in the north, but gaps are appearing in the center.  Fortunately, the bulk of the Axis armor is deployed elsewhere.

End Axis Turn 5

As usual, we had to pick it up just when things were getting interesting.  BTW, this is a 27 turn game…..


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