Cranked out another couple of turns.
Axis was able to make good their deep penetration in the center, as well as develop a flanking attack northwest towards Kharkov. However, the Soviets have built up a defense to counter the panzers, as well as using the rules to “ZOC Up” Axis infantry attacks in the south.
This is the real challenge faced by the Axis Commander. Soviet units buy time through engaging German units that are unable to exploit tactical success due to the Soviet ability to retreat, perhaps with a one-step loss, but maintain zones of control that limit Axis advances. Even when there is the possibility for a “ZOC Kill”, a result of less than “2” steps, stops the Axis for an additional turn. And, in the case of Soviet units with a defense strength greater than “6”, the placement of a step reinforcement.

Will develop Axis attack towards Kharkov.
But, for now, off to PDX for Drive On Stalingrad with Tim.