
TAD back in the Midwest.  Had visions of getting some gaming in, but small children, erratic weather, poor planning, and nearly catastrophic fall from a boat hoist have rendered these plans moot.

What I have done is read some old issues of Panzerschreck picked up on EBay a couple of weeks ago.    The poor planning part was not bringing card and adhesive to use after I cut out counters and markers.

Did get through the rules for both Battle of the Atlantic and Fall of Constantinople.  Gary Grabner’s solo games always have a certain level of abstraction, and I mean that in the best way.  He always focuses on the simple solution in the cause of playability.  Granted, these are truly low-fi games, but many designers would be tempted to overwhelm the player with rules/chrome to compensate for a nearly absolute lack of physical quality.

While it is patently strange to compare games of these topics/periods, there are similarities. Both games use area movement, by turn assignment of units to these areas,  and straight-up combats without a whole load of modifiers.

I will play these games during the trip…..well, I need to find the misplaced Battle of The Atlantic issue (no, don’t blame pain meds, not using them).  It’s just the problem of finding hobby supplies in a town of 7,000.

I really am looking forward to the Constantinople game.  I own and actually tried to play the S&T game.  That was before I read about its total lack of development, playtesting and……this is the best… ommision of naval rules.

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