System 7 Even More Startup

Wargaming involves a lot of preparation.  Reading rules, understanding rules, punching counters, set up, the inevitable initial rule foul ups and finally, an understanding of how the game mechanics work.

But, there’s also the understanding the period piece of any game.  Background reading is always helpful, because you want to “play the period”.  While the game designer is tasked with this, it’s up to the player to appreciate the intent, and play the game as intended.

System 7 is a miniatures game played with cardboard on cardboard.  In theory, there are no tactical constraints.  It’s up to the player to make it a simulation.

Spent the last few days getting things ready.  The handout accompanying the counters implores the player to cut out the counters, not punch them.  Good advice.  The punched counters I inherited have those unsightly “chads”.  Lots of x-acto knife work, but worth it.

The other prep piece is some reading on background and tactics.  I’m not that interested in Napoleonics, but I have a few helpful books.  Here they are.  Again, I’ve collected these over the years, all used, at reasonable prices.

This is the Mother Ship.  If you can only have one, this is it.

Elting is completely underrated.  Also has done some wonderful work on US military uniforms.

Chandler again.  Formal, and informative.

Informal and compelling.  Fun Read.

Everything you ever wanted to know about The Guard.  Can also serve as a doorstop.

OK…..Now play the damn game.

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