Putting Irregular Wars away for awhile. Good stopping point, with a need to determine the outcomes after the Battle At The Oasis Of Olufunke.
What happens to Lord Renaldo’s army?
1) Disintegrates/Retreats to coast; 2) Alliance with Natives; 3) Fight Natives; 4)Alliance with Bey Mahir to fight Sultan Efe.
What happens to the victorious Bey Mahir?
1) No further action; 2) Attacks Natives; 3) Alliance with Natives and/or 4) Attacks Sultan Efe:
What happens to Sultan Efe?
1) Decided after Lord Renaldo/Bey Mahir outcome(s).
Do Ming Chinese become involved?
1) Yes/No; 2) If Yes, how?
Do Natives become involved?
1) Decided after Lord Renaldo/Bey Mahir outcomes(s).
We’ll see…..