Tag Archives: The Alamo

Last Stand

Finished up the fourth turn of The Alamo:  Victory in Death.

Figured out the casualty rules that had baffled me.  Silly me, just read the rules and interpret them literally.  Things will work out.

Crockett’s attempt to push out beyond the walls was a foolish.  Now surrounded and locked in , he’ll eventually be killed.  The west wall has been overrun and now all that is left is the time consuming chore of isolating each Texan unit and destroying it.  Reorganized Mexican units are flooding back onto the battlefield, and there seems little chance that the Texans can last another ten turns.

The initial setup is everything.  The Texans have to react quickly to stop any massed Mexican attacks, and the Mexicans, in turn, must be creative to exploit any Texan attempt to reinforce a threatened area by judicious of their reserve units.

It’s a tense contest for the first several turns.  Worth the time to play.

Crockett Surrounded Outside The Church. Church Isolated. North Wall Defenders Surrounded. Plenty of Mexican Replacement Units Ready To Come On Map. Pick It Up.



Snow and sickness can lead to some desperate measures.   After FAB I opened a shrink wrapped time capsule…..The Alamo:  Victory In Death.

It’s not like my recent games. Yes, there is a lot of wristage, but with counters and a map that contains all of the charts.  So 1980’s, and so appreciated.

Here’s a great overview at Boardgamegeek.

This game is well-suited for solitaire.  I used a die to determine where the Mexicans were to attack.

But, it can be tedious, with many die rolls for shooting and melee combat.  However, the tension factor is excellent, especially when the defenders have to fall back from the walls to defend the interior of the mission.

I still am badly confused by the rules concerning Mexican losses that result in an immediate Texas victory during the first five turns.

Here’s a picture of the setup