Tag Archives: SPI

Quite The Beating – Part 2


Oh my!  Things really start falling apart during the German 4th Turn.  A Hitler Directive has forced a German stop order along the Northern Don, but the gap east of the Black Sea can’t be plugged.  Note that the Black Sea is now the Dead Sea (upper left corner), filled with Soviet casualties.

The best I can do is try to firm up the shoulder, and hope the units along the southern Don, adjacent to the Black Sea can hold.

No luck.  Tim’s too good to mess this opportunity up, and the Soviet defenses are rolled up from the east.  Meanwhile, his infantry units advance in the center.

Not much I can do at this point.   By the end of Turn 5,  my reinforcements are too far east to have any impact.

By the end of the German 6th turn, the Soviet defenses have collapsed, and the Caucasus is wide open for exploitation.

We called the game at this point.  Quite The Beating!!!

But…..a rematch has been scheduled for the Spring.