Finally put down the rules and started to play last night. Heavy lifting. The download mentioned in the previous post was absolutely necessary. Do not start playing this game without it. Why?
When I went through my teacher training early in the millenium the rage was about learning styles. There were seven of them. Each learning style was to be used (if possible) in the lesson plan because each student has different ways of accessing the material presented in the lesson.
Well, my learning style(s) certainly did not mesh with the RAW for Enemy Coast Ahead. I’ve been cutting back on the booze, so I think I have my wits about me, but discerning game flow was damn near impossible.
It took a few days to figure out that the BACK of the scenario contained important set up information, especially as to where on the map to place critical counters.
The game-aid cards (with one each for the planning, flight and attack portions of the game), have all kinds of information not accessible (at least to me) in the rules.
As a result, the first play through involved juggling the rules, scenario, attack player aid card, and the download on my IPad. Again, get the damn download!!!
I think I have it now, and it is fun once you struggle through it.
What a difference from the Thunderbolt/Apache rules. With these rules, you can start reading and play right up to the primary attack phase. There things get a little stickier, but the introduction is easy and painless.
Hoping my next session is easier.