Monthly Archives: September 2024

Finally Did It

One recurring topic over at Boardgamegeek is “Grail Game”.  This seems to be a game someone must have, but cannot either find, or cannot find at an affordable price.

I really don’t have any, but I do (did) have one game I would use the acronym “GOYAABI” for.  That is “Get Of Your Ass And Buy It.

The game is/was “Terrible Swift Sword” (TSS).  Yes, the original Great Battles Of The American Civil War (GBACW) monster designed by Richard Berg.  It was superseded by “Three Days At Gettysburg”, which has gone through several permutations as the playing system has evolved – read become more complicated – over the last thirty or so years.

I sold off my copies of the later editions of the system, and concentrated on learning/playing the original games.  Why?  Simpler and cheaper, and just as challenging/fun.

The last game I needed to complete my collection (not counting the incredibly expensive “Corinth” S&T game) was TSS.  I purchased a copy of the Second Edition – upgraded counters and maps along with updated rules,  a couple of years ago.  The copy I received lacked the Confederate counters!  Fortunately, the seller was extremely reasonable and refunded almost all of what I paid.

In the interim, I became enamored with the first edition – I like the  classic SPI Redmond Simonsen maps – and frequently checked EBay and Boardgamegeek for copies and a reasonable ($50 or less) price.  Found one last week.  Bought it, and it arrived yesterday in very good shape.  Yes!

And now, the usual refrain:  I need to get it on the table.


Been back for a couple of weeks and have enjoyed the last days of Summer.

Still playing ASLSK, getting in a least one turn each evening.  That seems to be plenty, especially since it’s the last activity of the day before shutting everything down.  I’m sure things will change when I return from my early Fall explorations of Western Wyoming.  Then it’s shut the place down, and dig in until April/May.

My great weakness (and I have several weaknesses when it comes to playing this system) is my seeming inability to use smoke.

Especially important when playing Starter Set #2.  This set introduces ordnance, which includes a variety of mortars.  While the system limits ordnance to Line of Sight (LOS) – as opposed to full ASL – even the puniest of mortars are invaluable for covering movement and mitigating the effects of defensive fire attacks.

I know, obvious.