Monthly Archives: May 2024

The Kaiser’s War – Allies Turn 1

Unlike the Central Powers, the Allies have no limitations effecting their Turn 1 Mobilization Phase.  Italian, French and British armies are mobilized (cannot enter until Turn 2), and a US army with Pershing’s headquarters, already mobilized, is sailing to France.  This will all cost victory points, but the situation in Italy is bordering on the desperate, and additional units are needed for operational flexibility (that’s a nice euphemism for “jeez I have no idea what might happen next”).
In Italy, a very weak defense has been strung out to (hopefully) delay the Central Powers until reinforcements arrive.  In the West, a fairly strong defense has been established north of Paris.  British forces are advancing towards Beirut and moving west of Baghdad.
Here’s the situation in Salonika, Italy, and Western Front

What’s In Here?

While pawing through a closet I found a WalMart plastic bag.  “What The Hell Is This?”. Well, this is this…….

Forgot I had put together small Central Asian and Russian forces for “The Men Who Would Be Kings” last summer/fall.  Purchased them over at
I did bring a game mat (if you can call a bolt of sand colored cloth purchased at Jo Ann’s Fabrics a game mat) with me.  The intent was to break out my World Of Fun Napoleonics and mess around with the Valour and Fortitude rules on the dining room table at some point during my stay.  That might still happen.
But, why not a couple of quick and fun games with these?

The Kaiser’s War – Central Powers Turn 1

Finished up the Central Powers’ turn.  Went all-in for both the Western and Italian Front offensives.  Used up victory points  to provide Maximum Attack Supply (which doubles unit attack values) in order to get odds of 5:1.
Each side has two combat phases (consecutive) per turn where any units can attack. With a Defender Panic combat result the defenders are eliminated if they roll a D6 greater than their movement allowance (most units have a movement allowance of “3”).  If not eliminated, they must retreat a number of hexes equal to that die roll.
The results were mixed.  In the West, the attacks were successful in forcing the engaged British units to retreat.  However, they did so in good order and were not eliminated.  A different story in Italy, where two Italian units were destroyed and a gaping hole opened (Caparetto).
Further east, Central Powers armies are massing along the Salonika Front.
Here are a photographs of the Western and Italian Fronts, respectively.

Kaiser’s War – Initial Dispositions

My resolve remains high.  Set up and ready to play.

With my usual lack of imagination, the Central Powers (CP)  focus is on The Western Front and Italy.  No ahistorical play right now.

The rules highly incentivize the CP player to attack in the West.  Tempting bonuses for using Storm units and occupying Allied (A) trenchlines at the end of Turn 1.

Here’s the situation in the West, followed by that in the East.  Play starts tomorrow…..I mean it!


This Time I Really Mean It

Boardgame Geek has a wargame forum thread entitled something like “What’s Your Table Look Like”.

Well, my table here in the Sunfish Capital of the World has been dipped in amber.  I’ve had The Kaiser’s War: 1918 on a card table for well….this is the third calendar year.  I think the initial map placement was in Fall 2022.

I’m setting it up now.  All credit to the dreary, rainy, windy weather of the past two weeks.  Yes, the forecast for the next several days is good, but it is now a matter of pride.

So, what approach to take?  Option Number One is a well thought out consideration of the strategic situation and painstaking referrals to the rules.  Option Number Two is just play the damn game.  I’m going with Option Number Two.

Not that I have something else lined up, but I’m genuinely curious how this system will play, especially since it has – by definition – many of the same “option(s) of difficulties” encountered in Paths of Glory and Pursuit of Glory, but using a traditional hex and counter approach without event cards or even random events.

Here’s a quick shot of the map with sorted counters and the beginnings of the Allied set-up.

I’ll finish the set-up tomorrow and get at it….really…..I mean it this time…..