Monthly Archives: November 2015

Red Actions! Machine Guns and Artillery

Played Red Actions! with artillery and machine guns earlier this week.

With the exception of the direct hit capability of the artillery, both weapons have the relative firepower of a platoon. My small playing surface (5×5) limits their range and therefore effectiveness.


I’ll probably abstract indirect fire artillery in the future. Any on-table artillery will have a direct fire role.

Machine guns can be killed relatively quickly (my arty wiped out the machine gun section with a direct hit on the very first roll of the game….reset/reboot), so I will allow them three (3) terror markers – treating them like a two (2) platoon company. This makes them a little more resilient

Next game will include an armored car and cavalry.

Stonewall: Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW)

Set up Stonewall: The Battle of Kernstown. This is a single map, lower counter density game in the Great Battles of The American Civil War Series (GBACW). The game was first published in S&T in 1978, with a boxed version released later.

I’ve been messing around with this system off-and-on (mostly off) for some time, even playing Wilson’s Creek when it came out about 3million years ago, but now want to spend some time with the system. Maybe not all the way to the monster Terrible Swift Sword (Gettysburg) game, but certainly a number of the smaller games, which have been accumulated over the years.

Richard Berg’s original design has evolved quite a bit since introduced in 1976. GMT now owns the franchise, and has published the larger games, many of which are now out of stock.

I’m digesting the rules, and making up a couple of cheat sheets, since the game’s tables are on the map, and not necessarily complete. This will be an incremental approach and hopefully the transition from the earlier to the later rules will be relatively painless. Play will start after I return from Portland and War of Resistance.

Red Actions! Second Try

Really windy here, gusts up at 30 mph.  Riding out of the question, college football schedule marginal, and World Series doesn’t start until 1700.  Decided to get another game in.  Same scenario, and tactics, but with Reds being more aggressive.

An aggressive wargamer really needs good die rolls.  That happened for the Soviets.

There was the usual push and shove between the Soviet company providing the base of fire and the Chinese regulars entrenched on the ridge.  However, the Soviet Sailor company advanced quickly  out of the woods and effectively attacked the Chinese Conscripts in reserve.

The Conscripts acquitted themselves well, maneuvering when called upon (they consistently rolled higher than two (2)),  shrugging off terror markers like regulars.  However, over time they were pushed back, losing one platoon.

Stolid Conscripts Supporting The Regulars
Stolid Conscripts Supporting The Regulars

With the Chinese Regulars also pushed back, and with two (2) terror markers halving their fire strength, the Soviet Regulars advanced towards the ridge, supported by the Cheka company,  engaging in a firefight with the now weakened Chinese.

Cheka In Support
Cheka In Support

The overwhelmed Chinese had no choice but to conduct a fighting withdrawal, with the retreating Regulars covered by the Conscripts!

Soviet Leadership Comes From The Barrel Of A Gun
Soviet Leadership Comes From The Barrel Of A Gun
Chinese Withdrawl
Chinese Withdrawl

Good and quick game with plenty of action.

Next time, machine guns and artillery.