Never been much of a video game player. However, a long time ago I developed a serious addiction to Space Invaders. After school I’d head home, fire up the Atari, and hammer away at those lock-stepping aliens. After a month or so, I was slaughtering them at the cyclic rate.
Now the shoe’s on the other foot….I’ve been playing “In Magnificent Style”, Victory Games’ treatment of Pickett’s Charge. And, the slaughter has been immense.
This is a well received game, as indicated by the reviews Boardgamegeek. And, rightly so. But, to play it, one needs to be a glutton for punishment.
Confederate fortunes can change in an instant. A once orderly advance will deteriorate into a tactical shambles if the die rolls go wrong, or there is a series of unfortunate chit pulls. And, those instances will happen. The best considered prudent, or wild and audacious, advance will crumble given the time, distance and firepower challenges facing Longstreet’s Corps.
Still, the game has as strange allure. Part of it is the easy set-up, nice components, quick playing time, uncertainty, and need for only one chart sheet. And, as stated earlier, it is an elegant design.
I think it would make a great tournament game. Get about six players, and have them play three games each. Have plenty of beer available, and watch the players implode and explode when things start “going south”. It would be theatre.